
Reducing Disposable Plastic

For the second time, I’ve given up on Beth’s Show Your Plastic Trash challenge – I think it’s a great idea, and it’s really eye-opening, but I keep failing the rule about No Guilt. I just can’t analyse the things I’m sending to landfill and not feel guilty about it. However, I do want to do something to record my attempts to live in a more environmentally friendly way, so I’ve resurrected this old blog to post about things I have done, and things I’m working on.
Plastic-free or lower plastic successes
Toothpaste – I now use Lush’s Toothy Tabs which are plastic-free from the point of purchase.
Toothbrush – bamboo handles reduce the disposable plastic content considerably.
Vegetables – Abel and Cole’s weekly box is organic and low on plastic.
Nuts and dried fruit – a market stall in Leeds sells them in bulk, in paper or low-plastic bags.
Books – using the Kindle, the library, and local bookshops reduces plastic packing in the post; amazon’s own wrappers are all-card.
Fruit juice – buying apple juice concentrate and fruit squashes or cordials in glass bottles takes it down from three or four Tetrapaks to one cap.
Bread – buying flour in a paper bag and making bread at home reduces wrappers considerably.
Soy milk – a powered kind comes in a big tin and is low-plastic and space efficient. The downside is that it doesn’t taste as good as the Tetrapaked ones (and I’ve only found one brand, so I don’t know whether it’s the method or the brand).
Craft materials – by being selective about crafts, buying from markets and local shops rather than chain stores or online, and buying in larger quantities, I can reduce the plastic wrappers associated with my hobbies.
Shampoo and conditioner – by using Lush’s solid bars and some vinegar from a glass bottle, I can cut disposable plastic out of washing my hair entirely.
Soap – Lush again. I may have regarded this part of the low-plastic challenge as an excuse to shop at the nice-smells shop!
Deodorant – I don’t find that I need an antiperspirant, and have been making my own deodorants/body sprays for some time using water, re-use spray bottles, and essential oils. The only disposable plastic is the caps of the oils bottles, but the oils go a long way.
Takeaway – finding the local place which does vegan pizza in a cardboard box was the key to this.

Things others have improved but I can’t seem to:
Other food wrappers – a lot of basics just don’t seem to be sold without plastic. I can buy rice in big sack, but it’s still in a plastic sack; I can buy a big bag of pasta, but it’s still a plastic bag. I can buy dried beans and lentils (less shipping costs than tinned), but they’re still in a plastic bag. I think this is due in part to the lack of bulk-buying (from open bins) in the UK.

Things I can’t work out how to cut:
Medication wrappers – I anticipate needing routine medications for most of my life. They all come in plastic. There isn’t really a choice. None of it is even recyclable.
Envelope windows – I try and get off mailing lists, especially those of charities who are wasting my donation by sending me endless shiny post. My banks mostly let me have statements online-only. But some people (the hospital, the council, the tax people) are always going to write to me, and they all use plastic window envelopes.

February Photo-A-Day 2

6. The Sky

7. Your Hand

8. Daily Routine

9. You in Black and White

February Photo-A-Day

February Photo-A-Day

1. Self-Portrait

2. View from Your Window

3. Where You’ve Slept

4. Feet

5. Your Handwriting

napowrimo day 30

a poem a day
for a long thirty day month
I am poemed out

Napowrimo day 29

From a Big Tent Poetry prompt.

I have always loved rocking
rocking chairs, a boat, a swing:
shift your weight and you’re floating
feeling that you could take wing.

Napowrimo day 28

Nod to Liber XV

Fire sweetens air
salt admonishes water:

Napowrimo day 27

This was inspired by a Big Tent Poetry prompt.

What’s at the centre?

The cherry on the top bang in the middle;
wicks running central to the candle’s core;
the in-breath, the out-breath, noticed as it flows;
heartwood which rots yet leaves a living tree;
the single leg of a tapping table;
a paperback’s glossy picture pages;
clusters of stamens awaiting the bees;
a farm near Fox’s Drayton-in-the-Clay;
the magnetic coils of earth’s molten rock;
and in silence, the small still voice of God.

Napowrimo day 26

Guess where I had to go today?


Heels up and knees out
let those folks with microscopes
probe your sexual sins.

NaPoWriMo day 25

Response to the One Single Impression prompt, place.


Your flowers are
breaking out:
I cannot name
the blue one
or this tiny
white one but
no matter; you
don’t know mine.
Welcome or not
I visit
in all weathers
and love you
when your flowers
are just out.

NaPoWriMo day 24


Sitting with the snake
coils wringing out my heart
choking up my throat
venom in my eyes
I breathe compassion for snakes
and try not to fight.